It feels like it has been SO long since I’ve shared an interior design or DIY post, so I’m hoping that today’s is going to make up for the hiatus. Since moving into our townhouse two years ago, I’ve wanted to “redesign” our powder room (I put redesign in quotations because we’re renters and we can’t actually get away with redesigning too much). I’d mentioned to Jamie a few times over the last couple of years that I’d like to paint the powder room and while he didn’t necessarily say no, his answer was always along the lines of “I don’t see the point if we’ll be moving out in a couple of years.” I completely understood his reasoning so I didn’t bother moving forward with any solid plans. That is until Canadian Tire recently reached out asking if I’d be interested in partnering up with them to share a painting project with their new line of Premier Infinity Paints. In all honesty, I’d never actually painted a wall before this powder room project so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Thankfully, Jamie had some experience in the contracting department and he
showed me, helped me, did most of the nitty-gritty work for me like filling in previous holes and sanding. When we were ready to paint I was so excited because the colour I’d chosen, Life in Pink, could not have been more me if it tried and I couldn’t wait to get it onto the walls! The painting process was actually easier than I had anticipated, save for the taping. The Premier Paint went on smoothly and took only one coat for coverage and no primer which I was thrilled about. Jamie and I were also pleasantly surprised to find that there were hardly any fumes while we were painting. I am so happy with how our new pink powder room, it’s now one of my favourite rooms in our house, which is something I’d never thought I’d say! It’s amazing what a coat of paint and a few accessories can do to a room to liven it up. I’m living my Life in Pink now thanks to Canadian Tire and Premier Paints.
{It was so hard to choose a Premier Infinity Paint colour because there are SO many great ones, but as soon as I saw “life in pink” in the lookbook, I knew it was the one.}
{Wall art from Minted & similar vase here.}
{I had originally chosen a different sconce for the room, but after some technical difficulties, we ended up picking this one up at Canadian Tire for $70 and I ended up loving it even more!}
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