Highs And Lows

March 2, 2018

{The most photogenic coffee date with my sweet friend Jacquelyn, thanks to Sorelle & Co.}

It’s safe to say that when I woke up this morning I found myself VERY upset about the snowfall that occurred overnight. It’s always so darn annoying when you get a little taste of spring and in the blink of an eye, it’s taken away. Spring currently feels like a piece of candy dangling in front of me that I can’t reach, but I know eventually It’ll get there. Other than the untimely snowfall, this week has been pretty good on all fronts. I’ve been keeping up with my workouts, which feels very fulfilling, and even took a class at SoulCycle on Wednesday. The class gave me a ton of anxiety at first, but by the middle it I was feeling incredible. Jamie and I also started the Netflix series, Ugly Delicious with David Chang. We both love all food-related documentaries and this one has been a joy to watch so far. We’re going into the 4th episode and I highly recommend. There’s a part in the 3rd episode where a chef says that “once he fell asleep with a piece of chocolate in his mouth by accident, but now he eats a piece of chocolate every night after he brushes his teeth to aid in sweet dreams.” I loved that he said that but I hope nobody gets any ideas from that because it probably isn’t great for cavities, haha! Anyway, that’s enough of me rambling. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I’ll see you Monday.
{Holo Top has finally landed in Canada and it’s everything I had hoped it would be.}
{A pretty plant-based restaurant pop-up in the middle of Toronto.}
{Pretty presents all the way from Scotland from my sister who knows me all too well.}
{I wish all entryways could be this pretty.}

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