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Highs And Lows

January 8, 2016

{A secret garden type set up at The Nook in Halifax.}

Getting back to work after having almost three weeks off is always a bit difficult but I’ve actually found sinking back into our regular routine to be quite enjoyable this week. Read more…

Monthly Musings

June 30, 2015

Living in Canada I automatically feel an immense pressure to make the most out of every minute of the summer because I know that this warm weather only lasts for so long. Canada Day is tomorrow and this year Jamie and I are taking a road trip to the USA. I don’t know if that is anti-Canadian of us but the 30 degree temperatures and ocean in Delaware are sure calling my name. June has been a busy month that has been full of events, long walks in our neighbourhood and lots of ice cream runs! But I am looking forward to what July has to offer which is hopefully more sunshine and a new home to live in (fingers crossed). 
1. Toronto Flower Market: The first month that the Toronto Flower Market was in town I was in Halifax so I missed out on it. So this month Jamie and I woke up early to beat the crowds and have first pick. I was determined to get a huge pile of peonies before the season ended and the TFM did not disappoint. I came home with a bundle of these gorgeous flowers which not only made our house smell so fragrant but two of these guys lasted for almost three weeks!
2. Treats From Nagège: You might have seen via my Instagram that last week Nadège Patisserie sent over the most thoughtful box of macarons customized with my logo. On top of the beautiful macarons they also sent the most stunning box of their  P’tit Choux & Miniature Gateaux. I am not kidding you I ate 75% of this box within the first day and saved just a few for Jamie. It was indulgent but so worth it.
3. Surfet: I was so excited to be asked to go on my second adventure with the Bench Canada team a couple of weeks ago. The first time around we went axe throwing which was fun but not really my thing, so when I found out that I would be working out on indoor surfboards for this adventure I was so game. I thought that because I have paddle boarded that this workout would be a piece of cake, but it kicked my ass! I loved working on my balance and pretending I was surfing so this is a work out I will be doing again!
4. Rooster Coffee Date: Last summer Jamie, Milo and I would always walk to Rooster Coffee on Saturday or Sunday morning and have breakfast on their patio. We have been pretty busy so far this summer and put a yield on this tradition. Last weekend we made it a priority to go and it was so nice to feel nostalgic and drink coffee with each other. 
5. Pamuk & Co.: I wrote about my affinity for Turkish Towels back in May so it comes as no surprise that I have been on the hunt for some for my own bathroom since then. I felt so grateful when Pamuk & Co. contacted me to see if I wanted to try a couple of their ultra luxurious towels and now feel almost guilty I hadn’t heard of them before I made my round-up. These authentic Turkish Towels are so soft and gorgeous. Having them in my bathroom makes taking a shower that much more enjoyable. 
6. Replanting: It came as a huge surprise to me that one of the succulents that I had planted in my DIY succulent garden would grow so much that I would have to re-pot the others. Charlie, as Jamie informed me is his name, has grown over a foot tall was taking over the entire bowl, so recently I had to move the other plants into their own mini bowls and I ended up love the look of them.
7. Boots & Bling: I was so happy to be invited to the Front Street Capital Charitable Foundation’s 5th annual Summer Solstice event this past Thursday. The event raised more than $275,000 for St. Joseph’s Health Centre’s Paediatric Emergency so you can imagine that it was quite the party! The event was white and western themed and obviously included a mechanical bull that I felt the need to try. Embarrassingly enough I flew off the bull and my entire dress ripped. I’ll spare you the details but it was bad…Luckily for me the caring ladies in coat check sewed my dress back together and I went on to enjoy the evening…turf burn and all. 
8. Club Monaco Preview: Club Monaco is one of my favourite brands so when I was invited to check out the fall preview I was beyond excited. There isn’t much that can make me wish away the summer but the rich fabrics, colours and textures that Club Monaco is offering this fall (almost) did. One of my favourite styling tricks that Club Monaco showed was layering turtlenecks underneath silk camis which was something I did a couple of years ago and am glad to see it is still so popular. 
9. Wall Flower: June is the month when all of the flowers that had been planted back in May really start to bloom and stand out. I always enjoy walking by local homes and businesses and admiring the gardens that people create. This one in-particular really caught my eye. I think the contrast between the dark grey wall and purple flowers make a beautiful impact. 
IMG_266910. Kensington Market Openings: I really enjoy the laid-back and carefree vibe that the Kensington Market area lends but I rarely make my way to the area. The Trinity Commons opening party was the perfect excuse to wander around the little shops and eat delicious food on the Trinity Commons patio. Jamie and I loved that the restaurant sources most of their ingredients from the grocers in the market and we were huge fans of their house made sausages. We will definitely be going back. 

Highs And Lows

April 24, 2015

1{Tacori Island Rains ring c/o Barry’s Jewellery + Essie’s Flowerista polish.}

We are leaving Toronto tomorrow for Halifax like always at this time of year. Although I am excited to head back home, it always feels bitter-sweet because for the second year we aren’t staying for the entire summer.  I am so used to living with my sisters again and they are going to be back in Halifax for four months with the ocean and the rest of my family. Although I am still looking forward to living as a twosome all summer with Jamie, it is always nice to have my crazy sisters around. I still have two great weeks ahead of me to make the most of though! Have a great weekend everyone, see you Monday!

2{Mouth-watering Mexican street corn via Wilbur Mexicana}

3{I swapped out the crystals in my succulent garden for this little guy.}

4{Milo can rock a flower crown just as well as any girl or human. c/o OhDina!}

5{A sweet gift from my friend from her company Multi Vitamin Media}

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