How to Fold Towels to Save Room


If the sight of towels crammed into your linen closet stresses you out, take note of these clever space-saving folding techniques. Not only do they streamline your shelves, but they also add a bit of hotel luxury to your home.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Classic Hotel Fold

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 1

Fold the towel in thirds lengthwise.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 2

Fold each end to the center.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 3

Fold the ends together.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

French Fold

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 1

Fold 1/4 of the towel width toward the center.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 2

Fold the opposite end on top.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 3

Flip the towel over and fold the towel in half.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 4

Fold the towel in thirds.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Spa-Style Roll

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 1

Fold one corner of the towel to the center lengthwise.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 2

Fold the towel in half lengthwise and then flip it over.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

Step 3

Roll the towel tightly toward the pointed end and tuck in the flap.

(Image: Trisha Sprouse)

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